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Precious is the help of the Holy Spirit

Cover of Life’s Golden Lamp by Offord.

Today's Devotional

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you—John 14:26 (NASB).

How imperfect is our apprehension of things heavenly, and how defective our recollection of them! Poor scholars are we in God’s school, with our slow learning and quick forgetting if left to ourselves. Most precious then is our Lord’s assurance of the help of the Holy Spirit, so that we shall not fail to attain and retain that knowledge of his teachings which is vital to the welfare and peace of our souls, and which enthrones him in our hearts.

How cheering also the thought of the completeness of the Spirit’s teaching—covering the “all things” of Christ, as twice declared in this one verse. So large is his love for us that he can never be content with anything small in his treatment of us. Thus taught by the Holy Ghost, we shall choose truth rather than error, and ever delight therein. Having clearly and constantly in mind our loving Savior, we shall learn consolation in sorrow, patience under suffering, courage amid conflict, and fidelity in love and service, even unto death. And so shall this adorable Holy One be unto us indeed “the Comforter.”

About the author and the source

Rev. John C. Bliss was minister of Washington Heights Presbyterian Church, New York.

John C. Bliss “When Jesus was glorified, then remembered they” in Life’s Golden Lamp for Daily Devotional Use, edited by R. M. Offord. New York: New York Observer, 1890.

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