Letters to the editor

Taste and see

Thank you for your leadership of Christian History, which is truly a blessing to me and to many other Christians! The most recent edition—The Wonder of Creation—particularly touched my heart. Your Editor’s Letter was insightful and beautiful… . Please prayerfully consider a future edition of Christian History about food. It would be wonderful to hear the story of how Christians have found Him in food, through the generations.—Edward Joseph James, MD

CH 121

Order Christian History #121: Faith in the Foxholes in print.

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We’ve been dreaming of this issue topic for years! The central Christian meal, the Lord’s Supper, is of course all about food, and then there are soup kitchens, potlucks, Christian diets, and all sorts of other interesting things. Of course the well of Christian History runs deep and wide, so there are many topics we hope to do one day, but this one is quite appealing … or perhaps “appetizing.”

And the suggestions keep coming in….

I love Christian History. Here are some possible suggestions for future issues: Joan of Arc, Amy Carmichael, Lilias Trotter, an issue on miracles, an issue on prophets true & false (although that may be too controversial). Thank you & blessings.—Diana Teasland

All interesting suggestions. Our Torchlighters series features a video on Amy Carmichael. Several nine-year-olds we know love it! Also, check out our documentary for adults on Carmichael, Mother to the Motherless. And while it’s not quite “true and false prophets,” we hope to one day cover the many “lies and legends” people mistakenly believe about historic Christianity.

Why we don’t use footnotes

I was thrilled to learn of your publication through a recent issue of Christianity Today magazine … your lively prose, the painstaking illustrations, the variety of topics, all catch and hold interest easily. You are to be congratulated. Still, the history major was trained well. I want to see the sources, please!—M. Jennie McGuire (retired college professor), Asheville, NC

Welcome to Christian History! We are not surprised that you’ve noticed the scholarly nature of our content, since our articles are written by scholar-experts. However, since we began in the 1980s, Christian History has always been a popular magazine aimed at a lay audience, and as such we choose to keep the footnotes off the final page. We trust our authors to present up-to-date, accurate information and to handle their sources discerningly. A scholar-advisor oversees the whole process and provides an important cross-check of content. 

In our Recommended Resources pages we list sources used and commended by our scholars, along with others we’ve become aware of through our study. We even include relevant video and web resources. We feel that in the past 30 years, our loyal readers have come to trust the CHI “brand” as providing accurate history in everyday language

This makes it all worth it

I am writing to say thank you for the Christian History subscription. I am a prisoner in Texas and having your magazine to look forward to means more than you can know. I love reading about church history and seeing the work of God through the ages. He truly is a loving God who keeps His promises. Your magazine gives me hope that despite my “history” God is able to work on my life and has a place, even for me, in His plan and His love. Again, thank you so much. May God continue to bless your work as you bless others. Christos Anesti! [“Christ is risen”] —Stephanos Robert Rosseau

Thank you for writing! It is our distinct pleasure to send Christian History to many prisoners, regardless of their ability to donate. In the near future, we’ll release an issue on Christianity and prisons. Meanwhile, please check out captivefaith.org, where we have compiled writings by and about Christians imprisoned throughout the ages.

That would have been one smart kid

Three small corrections for issue 120: Calvin’s birth date, correct as 1509 elsewhere in the issue, was misprinted as 1519 on p. 8 (which would have made him a precocious teenager when he published the Institutes!) On our timeline, Thomas Cranmer’s death date should have been listed as 1556 and the publication of the Westminster Confession as 1648.

We thank the many readers who faithfully support Christian History magazine. Use the envelope in the center of this issue or visitchristianhistoryinstitute.org to make your next donation.

This article is from Christian History magazine #121 Faith in the Foxholes. Read it in context here!

By Our readers

[Christian History originally published this article in Christian History Issue #121 in 2017]

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