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Quote of the day

“The present state of things, I view as preparative to a sudden and universal Resolution through the whole extent of this spacious globe, which becomes...”

Livermore, Harriet. The Harp of Israel, to Meet the Loud Echo in the Wilds of America. Philadelphia: Printed for the Authoress, by J. Rakestraw, 1835. Harriet Livermore.


Ride out storms with the Lord (1897)

He has triumphed gloriously—Exodus 15:1 (ESV). Faith may live in a storm, but it will not suffer a storm to live i...



The Fourth Council of Constantinople opens. In six sessions, it will condemn iconoclasm and anathematize Constantinople’s Patriarch Photius who held the ancient canons above the pope.

Authority for the date: Shahan, Thomas. “Fourth Council of Constantinople.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleto


The Gregorian calendar is introduced into Italy and other Catholic countries to replace the Julian calendar, which had lost ten days against the solar calendar. This day becomes October 15.

Authority for the date: Standard encyclopedias.


A murderous attack leaves Paolo Sarpi wounded. Sarpi's advice to Venice and his sharp knowledge of canon law had defeated a papal interdict, forcing the pope to settle his dispute with Venice on terms unsatisfactory to himself. Sarpi was widely credited with having nullified the potency of papal interdicts, infuriating ecclesiastics. Because the papal representative of Venice shelters the would-be assassins and because they later are given temporary asylum in Rome, the complicity of the pope and his cardinals will be widely credited.

Authority for the date: Catholic Encyclopedia


Solomon Stoddard preaches a famed sermon on the Lord’s Supper, saying people should be allowed to partake even if not sure of their salvation.

Authority for the date: Coffman, Ralph J. Solomon Stoddard. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1978.


Writing from Guayaquil, Ecuador, James “Diego” Thomson, agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society and of the British and Foreign School Society says, “I firmly believe that the deliverance of this country from bondage and oppression, and the mental emancipation of its inhabitants, depend upon the success of this revolution [independence from Spain]. The Spaniards, as is well known, have greatly impeded, not to say prohibited, the progress of knowledge and of true religion in America.”

Authority for the date: James Thomson. Letters on the Moral and Reli


Christians take control of the government in Uganda, thanks in large part to the courage of an Anglican believer, Hamu Lujonza Kaddu Mukasa, who had won a decisive victory during the religious wars. Mukasa will become an important chief and advisor to King Mwangi, and will help to give the Anglican Church prominence in his nation.

Authority for the date: Dictionary of African Christian Biography.


Five hundred evangelical pastors in Nicaragua who are associated with the Protestant charitable group CEPAD (Evangelical Committee for Aid and Development), sign a statement saying they support the Sandinista Communist revolution’s aims relative to their first loyalty to Christ.

Authority for the date: Martin, Tongues of Fire

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